Aug 25, 2022
This week we've managed to lose Darren down the back of the
sofa, however we do have stories of technological nightmares,
existential angst of children moving overseas, glass blowing,
feeding bears, mirrored rooms and black lit neon nude life
We also briefly discuss Prey again before moving on to this...
Aug 17, 2022
This week is a ultra mega length episode (don't think of it as a
three hour cast but more like two casts of an hour and a half long
connected by jingles)
In any case, we discuss failing PC hardware, failing plumbing
hardware, failing RSS feeds, failing at monkey bars, failing at
being Bear Grills and failing to do any...
Aug 3, 2022
Welcome back to this weeks episode, in which Jim has TV woes and discovers some gems on Disney+, Elton takes part in his own recreation of the Spielberg film Duel, Darren rages at Resident Evil and is outed for abusing cake, while Lee gets harassed by a deer trying to sing Taylor Swift and binge watches a...