Jun 21, 2023
This week Jim is away and its clear without his guiding steady
hand the wheels come off quite quickly... Elton recounts his joy at
repairing exploded windows, Darren catches up with the 21st century
watching Killing Eve and Lee goes full action mode watching Arnies
new tv show FUBAR and Chris Hemsworth killing everything breathing
with everything not nailed down in Extraction 2.
Then after a bit of feedback for last weeks episode "In The Earth"
its time to review this weeks film. A return to the "geriaction"
sub genre as Bob Odenkirk goes to town on mafia thugs, thieves and
crime bosses (but not the bin men) with gusto in his man at Marks &
Spencers version of John Wick... Nobody...
Also prepare for the complete car crash of a movie decision process
at the end...